on 6 Kasım 2009 Cuma

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982) is maybe the most important global convention just because it deals with world’s largest resource. Whereas it is most probable and inevitable that, world’s largest resource, its waters is the very potential area for the emergence of disputes. In regard to these disputes, by the virtue of peaceful settlement of international disputes regime created by charter, UNCLOS in Part XV has established a settlement of disputes mechanism. Part XV foresees a wide range of dispute settlement method from diplomatic settlement methods such as diplomatic negotiations, mediation, good office, enquiry or conciliation to binding jurisdictional methods. It is another importance of the UNCLOS is the creation of an International tribunal for the law of the Sea disputes (ITLOS).  ITLOS’s main function is to adjudicate disputes arising out of the interpretation and application of the Convention. Beyond ITLOS the part XV recognizes other binding adjudication methods such as settlement of disputes by international court of justice or by arbitration courts. The paper therefore firstly outline the essential features of the dispute settlement mechanism put forward by the UNCLOS III, and then will conclude by questioning why a complex, but flexible dispute settlement mechanism needed under UNCLOS III.