on 18 Eylül 2011 Pazar
Draft Paper for the First Euroacademia Global Conference Europe Inside-Out: Europe and Europeaness Exposed to Plural Observers, Vienna, 22 – 24 September 2011

European Union today stands on her continent as one of the most amazing human projects of the world. At the same time Europe, as the cradle of modern democracies has long been laid herself open to criticisms about democratic deficit in this European Union. From the House of Lords to the Bundestag, from Lok Sabha (India) to Knesset (Israel); Parliaments all around the world with their all pride and glory represents houses of demos. The most substantial criticism about the democracy in the European Union is related to this fact; the weakness of European Parliament. However looking closely, it might seem as though different dynamics of the European Union deserve a different type of perception. This paper will consider the democracy in European Union by analysing different points of view and solutions about the Democratic Deficit in the European Union.

VICTORY TROUGH HARMONY! This well known slogan of the Arsenal F.C. came into reality after contradictory judgements of the European Court of Justice and English High Court through ECJ’s interpretation of harmonized European Trademark law. The Arsenal Court, with its historical judgement rather than providing a clarification to the case before it, bring out many crucial questions regarding to the European trade mark law from the legitimacy of the post sale confusion to functions of trade mark, from definition of trade mark use to merchandising rights and even to the real competences of the European Court of Justice. Rather than answering questions of the referring Court, ECJ’s reinterpretation of the facts and analysing the case with its own facts by giving special focus on the functions of trade mark, Advocate General’s wide, even in most part economical, considerations and substantial justifications, High Court’s rejection but Court of Appeal’s confirmation and interpretation of the ECJ judgement, all these development reserved the Arsenal case one of the most discussed and extraordinary cases of the European case law.  Within this context one of the most important effects of the Arsenal case arguably was its substance in a way to cause further questioning the rationale for the trade mark protection. Arsenal court’s approach to the trade mark infringement Sub rose reminded the world wide anxieties about the propertization and erosion in the public functions of the trade mark law. The main argument of this paper will be built on consumers are the legitimizing element of the trademark protection in the trademark infringement cases. Thus very legitimate boundary of the trademark protection in the infringement cases is determined by the trademarks capability to perform its positive functions in regard to consumers. In the part I, paper will discuss expansionist nature of European trademark law in the light of Arsenal and subsequent case law. In the Part II expansion of trade mark law and trend toward the propertization of trademark will be analysed. Part III will focus on the indispensable place of confusion under the trademark infringement law and will try to justify any attempt to ignore confusion criteria in the infringement cases would undermine basic foundations of the legal protection of trademarks.